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Pros and Cons of an International Retirement

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The Blue Hole - Sequim, WA

Nicknamed the "Blue Hole", Sequim is a growing town that got its name because pilots kept noticing that there was almost always blue skies over it. The reason is that it is in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains.  More »

8 Steps to Stop Those Annoying Robocalls

Everyone can agree those robocalls you get, one after the other, are hyper-annoying. Here are 8 things you can do to get them under control.  Stop! >>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Pros and Cons of an International Retirement

You have probably seen the headlines: "Retire like a King on Social Security in (this or that) Country!"  While that may be possible, there might be other things beyond the hype that could turn your international lifestyle into a nightmare.  We've tried to balance the discussion in this article.  Pros and Cons>>

In the Mountains - Boone, NC

Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of northwestern NC, this town is named for Daniel Boone. A college town, Boone is the home of Appalachian State University which has a large presence in town. On a recent visit the streets were thronged with students, tourists, and residents. The downtown is interesting with shops and restaurants.   More>>

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